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Hi! This is primarily sourced information on the internet. I do not have any control over any of these, as they aren’t personally researched by me. So, check it out and ensure you fact-check them as well. My personal experience is on the global talent visa via the digital technology route by Tech Nation. I hope you find the below.. Read more
I’ll call this a public diary of my journey to global talent endorsement. I have held many private discussions on how I got my global talent visa, but I have now chosen to write a public documentation, so I can always refer anyone to it. If you are one of such persons interested in the global talent visa or I.. Read more
What is the future of content marketing? 🤔I’ve seen so many “future of content marketing” write-ups in these past few days, and two things have been pretty consistent. The future of content marketing includes personalisation at scale and automated, interactive content. CRM campaigns sit right in the middle of this! You honestly cannot leverage personalised and automated content without using.. Read more
In many cases, your headline is the first impression your text has on your audience. In other cases, it is the only impression. This doesn’t just apply to the overall topic of a blog post, an article, or a web page, it applies to all other subtopics and sub-themes laced through your copy. It is important to learn how to.. Read more
“How can I get started in marketing?” 👇 I get this question a lot from either students or fresh graduates just starting out with their careers, or from professionals trying to transition to marketing. Most times, when people ask this question, they expect you to share courses or direct steps on what to do. But here’s how! The best way.. Read more
In this my marketing career, I have a weakness. 😮💨 I cannot thrive without structure. That’s one major thing I cannot do. I have tried it in the past and I’ve realised that it’s just impossible for me to achieve. A brand or a project without the right structure is like having puzzle pieces scattered without a clear picture of.. Read more
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