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CRM Workflows for Hands-free, User-focused Content Marketing

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CRM Workflows for Hands-free, User-focused Content Marketing
CRM Workflows for Hands-free, User-focused Content Marketing

What is the future of content marketing? 🤔I’ve seen so many “future of content marketing” write-ups in these past few days, and two things have been pretty consistent. The future of content marketing includes personalisation at scale and automated, interactive content. CRM campaigns sit right in the middle of this! You honestly cannot leverage personalised and automated content without using.. Read more

The one where I quietly turned 29…
The one where I quietly turned 29…

This should be short and straightforward. I’ll tell you a story that happened 10 years ago. On the unfortunate night of July 18th 2014, my phone got spoilt. I’m usually terrible at dates, but this is one occurrence that I will never forget. I was in part two (or 200 level as mere men call it) and it was my.. Read more

It’s me. I’m the thing that needs to be handled.
It’s me. I’m the thing that needs to be handled.

One of my best movie genres is political drama/thriller—of course, if we don’t count military intelligence, war, sci-fi and sitcoms. I used to really like horror, but the storylines stopped making sense to me. Political dramas just mirror the kind of life I do not yet have access to, but whose lessons I can apply in mine. They have everything,.. Read more

Dear Diary, today I become a global talent…
Dear Diary, today I become a global talent…

I’ll call this a public diary of my journey to global talent endorsement. I have held many private discussions on how I got my global talent visa, but I have now chosen to write a public documentation, so I can always refer anyone to it. If you are one of such persons interested in the global talent visa or I.. Read more

How to Choose the Perfect Blog Topics and Headlines
How to Choose the Perfect Blog Topics and Headlines

In many cases, your headline is the first impression your text has on your audience. In other cases, it is the only impression. This doesn’t just apply to the overall topic of a blog post, an article, or a web page, it applies to all other subtopics and sub-themes laced through your copy. It is important to learn how to.. Read more

How to get started in marketing as a beginner
How to get started in marketing as a beginner

“How can I get started in marketing?” 👇 I get this question a lot from either students or fresh graduates just starting out with their careers, or from professionals trying to transition to marketing. Most times, when people ask this question, they expect you to share courses or direct steps on what to do. But here’s how! The best way.. Read more

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Let's bring a global talent on board

I wear multiple hats. I’m open to working with high-growth teams to scale acquisition and retention with campaigns, CRM automation, CLM and product content.

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